A few weeks ago, an electrical storm spiked through Blanding and knocked out our Internet receiver. Just like * that * we were cut off from the world and from all my resources. While we waited for the local techie to come out and fix things back up, I spent many midnights down at Alton's office, using his computer for my assignments and quizzes. Finally, we figured out how to use my smartphone to hook up to the Internet. Ahhhhhh. Back to normal operating hours.
The reluctant company has only just sent a replacement receiver, so it will still be several days before the techie makes it out to our little ridge to fix our desktop. In the middle of all this disruption, a mental storm spiked through my future plans. I was upstate, visiting my sister and her new baby boy (Seth Roskelly Brown). She happens to be an RN, working on higher things. My dad also came up to visit. He's an MD. We talked a great deal about the merits of nursing. And the merits of doctoring. And the merits of PA'ing. Not so much on any merits of physical therapy-ing. In fact, based on their interpretations of my expectations, they discourage PT, and want me to explore a couple of other different fields.
So, I came back from my wonderful trip feeling a little lost in the whole 'well-laid future plans' department. I still need to keep a competitive GPA, but now...what to do with it???
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